Sunday 5 February 2012

Figuring out how to blog

This is me above -- summer 2010!  And this is my test run for starting a blog and uploading photos for it.  I think I may find it hard with my new digital camera and a different lay-out on a computer in Barcelona for doing these types of things.  Well, whatever!  I may crash and burn on this, but I won't care!  I will be having many cafes con leche every morning in Spain for ten days!  :) :) :)


  1. Okay... this is new for me. I'm going to be following you, along with my morning coffee, every morning... so you better have a great time!!

  2. Hey! Cool idea, Paula. And what an awesome trip in the offing! Wish I were traveling somewhere exotic...For me, my big adventure is traveling to downtown Toronto with three kids. Somehow, it pales by comparison.

    Looking forward to living vicariously through you!
