Saturday 18 February 2012

Noticing the little things on Carrer de l'Hospital

If you have ever walked with me, you know that I tend to walk quite briskly.  I can walk from my hotel on Carrer de l'Hospital to La Rambla in five minutes flat.

And I probably have tended to walk even a bit more briskly on this trip because I am travelling solo.  No dawdling and squinting at my map.  Sure-fire way to get pickpocketed!

As I walked back to my hotel this afternoon, I slowed down and I looked for things that I had not otherwise seen as I walked up and down Carrer de l'Hospital several times a day for nine days straight.

There are lots of sports stores:

Lots of flags flying:

How did I miss this?!!  A WC on my own street!  (Me, who needs a bathroom every hour!  Okay, I got super-strategic on this trip.)

Hotel San Agustin would be a great place to stay next time I visit Barcelona:

Here is the beautiful Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu on Carrer de l'Hospital:

And the corner of Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu on Carrer de l'Hospital with a fountain and stone carving:

Here is the lovely, small carving I never noticed above the water fountain: Mary holding the body of Jesus:

This is the sign for Reial Academia de Farmacia de Catalunya:

Above doorway to Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu on Carrer de l'Hospital:

I know that I am nearly at my hotel on Carrer de l'Hospital when I see this juncture:

There are some green thumbs on Carrer de l'Hospital:

This is the building adjacent to my hotel:

Hostal Gat Xino, my home for nine days and nights (it's not that skinny!):

Here is a banner for Futbol Club Barcelona.  The only thing on T.V. in bars in Barcelona is futbol (soccer)!  There is really nothing else.  The rivalry between F.C. Barcelona and Real Madrid is HUGE!

Frutas (fruit) y verduras (vegetables) on display:

These are the memories of my street in Barcelona!

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