Saturday 18 February 2012

Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu

Yesterday was a day of technological challenges for me.  The battery in my digital camera was nearly dead, so I had to let it recharge for several hours.  I will be sure to charge it overnight next time around!

I also was not able to get Wi-Fi access at my hotel last night, so I could not check my email or post a blog.  Major meltdown in Barcelona!  ;-)

I am proud of myself for having left my Blackberry at home and for not checking my work email since I departed for Spain (!!!).  However, this trip has made me realize just how tied I am to my Blackberry and email.

Anyway, I was able to take some photographs in the beautiful courtyard of Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu, which is on the street where my hotel is located.  From the 14th century, this was Barcelona's hospital, but it now houses Biblioteca de Catalunya (Catalonian Library).

I then started wandering through the streets of Barri Gotic, took the photo below and realized my camera's battery needed to be recharged.  Rats.

Today is my last day in Barcelona!  I have to leave for the airport tomorrow morning (Sunday) at 5:30 a.m.  For my last day, I am going to be sure to have at least two cafes con leche, a Spanish tortilla and some other assorted tapas.  I think I will just wander some more through Barri Gotic today and soak in the beautiful atmosphere.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. The courtyard is beautiful! I didn't see that on my trips. If I ever get back there, I'll be sure to visit. So sad that this is your last day :( Dedicate some tapas for me so I can enjoy them vicariously through you! I shared your blog link with my daughter yesterday, so she can enjoy your pics too. Have a great last day and soak all that sunshine up! We actually have snow again today, but it's still really mild, so it won't be too much of a temperature shock for you. Hasta luego, amiga mia!! :)
