Saturday 18 February 2012

Carrer del Ferran and My Burning Question (see last entry)

After a day of sightseeing, I headed back to my hotel to pick up my laptop, so I could upload my photos and post on my blog.  (Oh, I am so 21st century!  These things turned out to be a lot easier than I expected.)

As I walked back along Carrer del Ferran (the street where I had that amazing cafe con leche and a very- dangerous-looking chocolate croissant earlier today -- remember -- the one you coveted when you saw it?), I took close note of the architecture and the ambience of the street.

The facade of the Eglesia de Sant Jaume on Carrer de Ferran was very eye-catching.

I also took a quick walk up a short street ...

To get one last glimpse of Placa Reial:

Why doesn't Canada have town and city squares where people gather like people do in Europe?!  This is a burning question for me.  In Europe, people gather together so easily.  They meet, they talk, they drink coffee, they have a meal together.  People in Europe are so closely knit together.  I think the town and city squares lend a lot to this.

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