Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia

The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, or simply Sagrada Familia ("The Holy Family"), is considered to be Europe's most unconventional church and definitely Antoni Gaudi's life work.  He was commissioned by Josep Maria Bocabella in 1883 to complete the cathedral.  Gaudi is buried in the crypt of the church. You'll see shots of the Passion Facade (on the west side), the Nativity Facade (on the east side) -- two key Biblical passages -- as well as the interior.  A fair bit of the church remains to be completed.  Gaudi said that it would take seven generations to complete.  Whether you're a person of Christian faith, another faith, or someone who is secular, this is a jaw-dropping building.  Absolutely exquisite.  The stained glass -- and the light coming in this afternoon -- was just lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics of the inside of the Sagrada Familia! I didn't get a chance to go inside on either of my trips to Barcelona. I love the Gaudi buildings and Parc Guell... you have to have sat on the curvy mosaic benches! You're getting great weather over there! And you picked a great week to go, as winter has finally arrived over here LOL. Keep the pics and posts coming, I'm enjoying the tour so much!
