Thursday 16 February 2012

Romanesque Art

The Romanesque Art collection at MNAC is simply stunning -- mostly centred around 12th century frescoes.  Apparently it is one of a kind in the world.

I spent so much time there today with my audio guide.   The Romanesque Art collection is a unique collection of frescoes / mural paintings, most of which come from Romanesque churches of the Pyrenees.

The whole collection comes from works from the 11th to 13th centuries, made up of richly painted panels, woodcarvings, metalworks and stone sculptures.

Are you familiar with the process of "the strappo technique" (the "detachment" -- of frescos)?  It is absolutely fascinating!

As a result of this process, we are able to see the wall paintings of Sant Climent de Taull and Santa Maria de Taull.  I. am. amazed.

Eeeek - I am having problems with uploading my photos in the order I would like to post them.  I will get back to you!

The sign above is for the frontal altar below - one of MNAC's masterpieces in the Romanesque Art section. It is the Frontal from La Seu d'Urgell or of the Apostles, second quarter of the 12th century.  Peter is holding the keys immediately to the left of Christ and Paul is closest to Christ on the right.

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